Practical Nursing

五个学期的连续课程,包括一个夏季学期. The program begins on sequence each fall semester with two preclinical semesters followed by three clinical semesters.

The Practical Nursing Program prepares students educationally to qualify as contributing members of the health care team, 在各种卫生服务机构中担任实用护士,为病人提供护理. 祝贺项目顺利完成, students will be educationally eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam leading to licensure as a practical nurse.


Graduates will be able to obtain a position in health-related facilities such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, physicians’ offices, 或者其他与健康相关的机构.


 进入证书实践护理课程, 该学生必须是双学分高中课程即将升入高年级的学生, 高中毕业生, or the equivalent. High school courses must include one unit of biology and one unit of algebra with a grade of “C” or better. 通过分班和诊断测试证明英语能力, 或圆满完成所需的发展课程. Students enrolled in the first year Practical Nursing class must complete developmental courses before beginning PNE 162.

Applicants should be advised that the Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Nursing Statutes and Regulations (54.1-3007)陈述如下:

Refusal, 撤销或中止, censure or probation: The Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Nursing may refuse to admit a candidate to any examination, refuse to issue a license or certificate to any applicant and may suspend any license or certificate for a stated period or indefinitely, or revoke any license or censure or reprimand any licensee or certificate holder or place him/her on probation for such time as it may designate for any of the following causes:

  1. 在取得或企图取得许可证时进行欺诈或欺骗;
  2. 不符合职业道德的行为;
  3. 故意或者屡次违反本章规定的;
  4. 犯有重罪或涉及道德败坏的轻罪;
  5. Practicing in a manner contrary to the standards of ethics or in such a manner as to make his/her practice a danger to the health and welfare of patients or to the public;
  6. 使用酒精或毒品,以致于这种使用使他/她的行医不安全, 或任何精神或身体疾病,使他/她不适合执业;
  7. The denial, revocation, 吊销或限制在另一州执业的执照或证书, District of Columbia, or a United States possession or territory; or
  8. 滥用、疏忽或挪用病人或住院医师的财产.

Please Note: All PN classes are held at WCC’s location at the Crossroads Institute in Galax. 前两个学期每周上课两天. 最后三个学期每周上课4天.

应用程序要求: 实习护理课程的申请将按以下方式处理:

  1. High school applicants will apply through the guidance department of their respective high schools.
  2. Adult applicants will submit applications directly to the Office of Admissions and Records at 博彩平台网址大全. 高中成绩单, 所有就读大学的成绩单, 分班考试成绩也是必需的.
  3. Preference will be given first to rising high school seniors from area participating high schools and then to adult applicants from the service regions of 博彩平台网址大全 and from service regions of other Virginia community colleges that do not provide access to a Practical Nursing program.

The following is a list of technical abilities and skills applicants for admission should possess:

  • Critical Thinking: 批判性思维能力足够
  • Interpersonal: 有足够的人际交往能力与个人交往, families, 和来自不同社会的群体, emotional, cultural, 知识背景
  • Communication: 具备良好的口头和书面沟通能力
  • Mobility: 足以从一个房间移动到另一个房间,并在小空间内机动
  • Motor Skills: 粗细运动能力足以提供安全的护理
  • Hearing Acuity: 有足够的能力监测和评估健康需求
  • Visual: 有足够的视觉能力在护理中进行观察和评估
  • Tactile: 触觉能力足以进行身体评估

Program Requirements: 在接受实习护理课程后,以下是必要的:

  1. 在入学前提交完整的健康表格 PNE 161;
  2. Current CPR certification (AHA Health Care Provider Course or Red Cross CPR for Professional Rescuer);
  3. A grade of “C” in all Practical Nursing courses is necessary to progress through the program;
  4. 犯罪背景调查和毒品检查. See policy below:
    1. Policy:  Criminal Background Checks are required for students enrolled in 博彩平台网址大全 Practical Nursing Program.
    2. Purpose:  符合VA国家护理委员会条例18VA9027-70: D.除了高中生, all applicants to a nursing education program shall be required to submit to a criminal background check prior to admission.
    3. Procedure: Criminal background checks and drug screens are required by clinical agencies used by 博彩平台网址大全 for all Practical Nursing Program students. A criminal background check will be required by all non-high school students before entering the PNE classes. The criminal background check and drug screen will be performed by an approved third party vendor as designated by 博彩平台网址大全. Prospective students are responsible for completing the necessary forms and payment for the background check and drug screen. Anyone who does not pass the background check or drug screen will not be eligible to enroll in the PNE Program. 如果在任何时候发生的变化,而学生仍在注册的程序, 学生将同意重新提交, and incur the cost of, a background check and drug screen to the third party utilized by 博彩平台网址大全 ( 如果学生未能遵守本协议, the student may not be eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam according to the Virginia Board of Nursing Regulations.

Criminal background checks and drug screens must be performed every year while enrolled in the PNE Program.

适合高中生, a criminal background check and drug screen will be required before entering clinical practicum.

Program Readmission: All Students who wish to return to the Practical Nursing Program must contact the program head in writing.

Students who withdraw or make a grade less that “C” in PNE courses must reenter the program and retake the affected course or courses the next time the courses are offered. 在重新入学之前,学生的WCC GPA必须达到2分.5 or better, 完成所有发展课程, 更新临床资格表格, 目前有医疗保健提供者CPR卡, 完整的犯罪背景和毒品检查, 完成药物剂量和计算回顾, 通过之前所有课程的考试. 教师可以根据额外的要求制定个性化的发展计划. 第二年的重新入学将取决于可用的临床时段. 学生必须重新申请 February 15 for summer and fall semester and deadlines established by program head for spring semester. Students are not eligible for readmission after two attempts; only extenuating circumstances may be considered by the Practical Nursing faculty committee. Any student who is eligible for readmission and has been out of the program for more than a year must repeat all PNE courses. 因违反荣誉守则而被退学的学生没有资格重新入学.

特别认可地位: The program is approved by the Virginia Community College System and the Virginia State Board of Nursing.

NCLEX-PN Pass Rates

2017   100%   
201470 %

The following list is a suggested sequence in which students may plan their class schedules to ensure graduation in two years.

First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
PNE 141 2 3 3
PNE 155 3 0 3
SDV 100 1 0 1
弗吉尼亚公立大学 & Universities
Radford University
UNIV 100 elective
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 6 3 7  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
HLT 105 1 0 1
PNE 142 2 3 3
PNE 173 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 5 3 6  

Third Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
PNE 161 2 12 6
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 2 12 6  

Fourth Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
ENG 111 3 0 3
弗吉尼亚公立大学 & Universities
Virginia Tech
ENGL 1105
Radford University
CORE 101
弗吉尼亚私立大学 & Universities
Bluefield College
ENG 1013/1023, GEN ED
Liberty University
ENGL 101
Emory & Henry College
ENG 100
ITE 152 3 0 3
PNE 162 4 21 11
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 10 21 17  

Fifth Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
PNE 130 3 3 4
PNE 157 4 3 5
PNE 158 2 0 2
PNE 181 0 15 5
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 9 21 16